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Review of The Last Guardian  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You ♥♥♥♥♥

Jack Goldman

*Star*Brief Summary:
From the beginning of the story I was able to metaphorically see the relevance to certain aspects of a creature's life. These creatures share many attributes with the characters in the story. I laughed at noticing this. Then, at the very end, I got the biggest chuckle of all. This was no metaphor, it was the life of the creatures I had originally pictured.

I really had nothing to suggest for this piece. I found it really well written and deserving of a five star rating. Though the characters were as I first pictured them, I still found this a surprise ending. A creative piece of writing.

*Star*What I liked about this piece:
I liked the two enemy descriptions and the methods they used. How both are related in attack, yet different in method. The Misters and the Poisoners, both looking to exterminate a race, both with the same agenda, only different methods.

*Star*Areas that I had trouble with:
Only after going back, can I see that the characters described could actually come from a couple of different species. I pictured these as ants myself. What did you have in mind??? Perhaps mosquitos or another insect was more along your line of description. I will forever look at ants in a new light.

~*Balloon5*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing skills!

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#1140329 by Not Available.

Brithday heart

Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ Reviews Won In Auction ♥♥♥♥♥

This is review #1 of 10 won by you in "Luck Of The Irish Auction [E].
Hello Poetry Emotion

Brief Summary:
A picturesque tapestry of love and heartache you so vividly paint with your eloquence. This great poem requires no explanation, for the voice deep and full of wisdom jumps off the page to fill the reader with a sense of longing and dread at the same time. To want something so bad, even knowing the consequences that "something" may bring, is desire and passion.

Editing Comments:
I could find nothing to add comment wise for this piece. I found the words to speak for themselves clearly and without hesitation. The author has a defined picture when writing this piece. I feel each verse flowed smoothly into the next, complimenting as it went along.


Thank you for sharing your creative writing. I encourage you to do more.
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#1140329 by Not Available.

** Image ID #1163856 Unavailable **

♥♥♥♥♥ Thank You ♥♥♥♥♥
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ Reviews Won In Auction ♥♥♥♥♥

This is review #2 of 5 won by you at "The Hummingbirds Semi- Annual Auction.
Hello Revelry new writings soon

Brief Summary:
Once again, please accept this as my interpretation and ideas. Use what you can, and discard the rest. Thank you for your patience with my ramblings.

To begin with, I feel you have a strong opening verse. It lays the foundation for the poem. With verse one, I feel as if the voice is trying to explain that attachments aren't easily made. Not for the voice anyway, and another is trying to persuade the voice that in time, this won't always be so.

The second verse, I feel loses some of it's translation, perhaps by a typo or wrong word. In the second line of verse two, "to my this sterile way of mine". I feel that instead of my "me" should be used, with a comma following it to allow for a pause. In so going with this line I also feel the comma at the end of line one of this verse should be omitted.

The third verse to me is an unfinished statement as if the voice is cut off or interrupted. Line one of this verse plays out with repetition again. Try ending it with it instead of pride. Of course, in so doing, then the next line must have the first word then changed as well, my suggestion for this would be:
Can't ever spit up my pride-always drowning in it,
therefor the better-even if you don't understand.
To keep a medicinal
attachment before they try to...

Now again after re-reading this verse several times. I see the voice beginning to wander and let to much information slip, catching itself and correcting the mistake by taking us on to the next verse.

Thank you for sharing your creative writing. I encourage you to do more.
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#1140329 by Not Available.

white and blue name sig

♥♥♥♥♥ Thank You ♥♥♥♥♥
Review of Medicinal Pull  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ Reviews Won In Auction ♥♥♥♥♥

This is review #1 of 5 won by you in connection with "The Hummingbirds Semi- Annual Auction.
Hello Revelry new writings soon

Brief Summary:
Listed as a metaphoric poem I have re-read this several times. I can't find the metaphor, it eludes me and can't find the voice to speak to this thick skull. I do find a voice within of the heartache and pain suffered. Keep in mind, this review is only an interpretation of your work. I will not necessarily paint the same picture you do when viewing your work. Please accept this review as another interpretation, that may or may not shed another light on the voice and actions of the poetry. Use what you can, if anything, if not, find joy in the fact that another read, and re-read your work, looking to find the true meanings of your words.

When reading this, I picture a hospital full of patients. Many different injuries are in the process of mending, some fresh and in need of treatment. I see the voice as a wisp of a spirit, floating through the hallways of the hospital, commenting on the various methods and procedures being used to attempt to heal the inflicted.

Editing Comments:

The third verse, I felt that stems should have been stem. Not sure I can explain why, although maybe to keep in present tense. Truly, it just read better for me without the added "s".

The first verse, the word medicine is used twice. I feel if the second one was changed to medicinal it would hold the same intent, with more power behind it.

Second verse, should it read patient's or patients??? Are we speaking of belonging to a patient or of more than one patient???

Fourth verse, I felt repairing rang better than repair what do you think? Try it, let me know.

Fifth verse, a couple of things here. Second line, would needles be what was being pulled together, or should another word replace needles in the second usage, perhaps binding although I am not sure that is the right fit. Second thing here, once again, I feel medicinal dreams fit better.

Thank you for sharing your creative writing. I encourage you to do more.
 Invalid Item 
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#1140329 by Not Available.

** Image ID #1161857 Unavailable **

♥♥♥♥♥ Thank You ♥♥♥♥♥
Review of I: Wraith  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You In Connection with "Expose Yourself Now! [E]♥♥♥♥♥


*Star*Personal notes:
To begin with, I thought I was reading a spin off from The Lord of the Rings trilogy. This had a Tolkein like quality that intrigued me. The first paragraph, I felt, held so much description I almost wandered off. Is there such a thing as being too thorough? I am not sure, however after the first few descriptives, I understood that Feina was well aged. The continued description therefore was over the top for me. That is just for me though and others may disagree. If this were to become a movie script, they could draw your character listed here without having to refer back to you for questions. Nothing was left for doubt other than perhaps her weight ((chuckle)) and we shouldn't ask of that now should we.

*Note1* sixth paragraph: "Upon entering an a clearing"
an would come before a word beginning with a vowel.

Ghadrik and Khameris are hushed by Feina once, they were too loud. Toward the end of the chapter, they again begin speaking, however nothing is said of the voices being lowered or in hushed tones. Out of respect, this should be mentioned so it is known they aren't being rude or intrusive. Also this lets the reader know their conversation is meant for the two of them.

*Star*What I liked about this piece:
Once I got past the first couple of paragraphs, the story picked up the pace. I was able to grasp the situation and the flight quite well.

The story flowed smoothly. First came the intense details of the carrier. Followed by the expedition they have set out on. We get a brief description of the other characters, that compliments itself, as the tale continues on.

We find a bit of romance creeping in as we come to the climax and ending of the prologue.

I am now captivated and ready to read on. I felt each transition of the story flowed smoothly, once I got past the over abundant description of our leading lady that is. *Smile*

*Star*Why I rated this so:
I felt this was a well written prologue, that held my attention once it got going. There were a few rough spots mentioned above, that would possibly change my rating.


~*Balloon5*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing skills
Luck Of The Irish Auction   (E)
Open for bidding
#1143571 by ~WhoMe???~
hot coffee

Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (3.5)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You ♥♥♥♥♥

Greetings ShiShad , I found this in the review request page. A rather interesting piece. When reviewing contest entries, I often find it helpful to have a link to the contest, or at least a short blurb at the bottom letting the reader know the limitations that were put on this writing.

For instance, I see you have a word count listed at the very end. Was this a requirement of the writing??? Did you have to edit the content to fit within the alloted regulations??? Was the prompt the title??? These added bits of information allow the reviewer to better grasp what the writer is trying to portray, and get a sense if something is missing.

Also one comment, in the review page, it stated written for a contest, and then the subtitle was giving reference to inspiration from your sister. My question is, were you thinking, in reference to your sister when you wrote from the prompt??? Or, did your sister help you with the prompt or perhaps encourage you to write for it???

That all said and done, on to the review. I want to make sure that it is understood, these are My personal opinions and views on the writing, and may be inconsequential to your piece as far as you see it. That is perfectly fine. Please take what you can from this review, if anything.

*Star*Brief Summary:
This is quite the fun little piece to read and review. It brings to mind many instances of similar situations. This is a lesson not only in comprehension, but also in giving instructions.

*Star*Suggestions / Questions:
*Note1* This is labeled as a short story. With the very brief word count perhaps this would better qualify as a static item???

*Note2*From the sub-categories I would then take this as a piece written from a true experience, and that Ellie is your sister. Am I on target???

*Note3*Word Choice: Naiveness to me doesn't seem to fit with the flow of the story. Perhaps naivety could be used as a substitute. What do you think???

*Note4* "Sometimes she would become just plain dumbfounded"
To me this sentence almost works. However it is lacking in punch due to the end of the prior sentence. "without knowing why" and "looking dumbfounded" show the same result, making this repetitive. Combined with the sentence before, and a few small adjustments, I feel it reads with more strength:

"She often made people laugh. Her dumbfounded expression at their response usually brought on more laughter, and the appropriate "What?", from her.

*Note1* Immediately after the above mentioned adjustment, I feel you need to start a new paragraph. You have just given a background on your sister, now we need to proceed into the next paragraph with the start of the present situation and new information.

~At a young age Ellie married a farmer......

Go right into the humor of the piece.

*Note2*In the next sentence it appears as though I am reading a narrative and viewing a story at the same time. Two different actions. Alter the line to read as one....
"Do you think you could ........ ? They must be planted in hills."

*Star*What I liked about this piece:
To me this was especially endearing. I actually have two different stories, related to planting, that could go hand in hand within a book compilation with this piece. We could call it "Stories and Antidotes From the Garden."

*Star*Why I rated this so:
I felt this piece was close to being complete. It has all the correct information, though the presentation of such could be altered to come across with more of a punch, to match the title.


~*Balloon5*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing skills!

"Luck Of The Irish Auction "   by ~WhoMe???~
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
hot coffee

Review of Discovery  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (5.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You In Connection with "Invalid Item ♥♥♥♥♥


Simply Adore ♥

*Star*Brief Summary:
A beautiful senryu written with true style. Staying on course with the syllable count, you have created a great loving piece for your unborn child.

To me the last line although delivering a message, also can get lost on some readers. IF this is a true poem for someone special with a certain message, then I urge leave it as it is. IF not, then I suggest an alternate last line:

perhaps: New love discovered

*Note1* also when creating for a certain prompt or contest, it helps the reader to see a link to this inspiring activity, and also allows them to view the limitations put on your writing.

~*Balloon5*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing skills
Luck Of The Irish Auction   (E)
Open for bidding
#1143571 by ~WhoMe???~
hot coffee

Review of Going Nowhere  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You In Connection with "Invalid Item ♥♥♥♥♥


Simply Adore ♥

*Star*Brief Summary:
This is a poem of choices not take, love not nurtured, and goals not sought after. The love once shared, left to bask in the glow, slowly fades with time as the light turns to shadows. This is a great poem that has captured the spirit of many relationships, many of which would benefit if only from reading this great poem.

This is a poem that should be published. A wonderful piece that I would even put inside self help books for couples or those in a relationship, if not to open their eyes, then to show what can happen if their eyes remain shut.

*Star*What I liked about this piece:
The realistic way this has captured a problem that is common in todays society.

*Star*Areas that I had trouble with:


~*Balloon5*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing skills
Luck Of The Irish Auction   (E)
Open for bidding
#1143571 by ~WhoMe???~
From Terry

Review of Internal Eternal  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (5.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You In Connection with "Invalid Item ♥♥♥♥♥



*Star*Brief Summary:
The evil disease lurking in the air, and in the ground sneaks up on the unsuspecting and invades their bodies. This sometimes terminal evil is written about in this wonderful poem. Wonderful in the sense that it takes a serious subject and illness, and turns it into a beautiful poem of strength and survival and hope.

Get this published. That is the only advice I have. This really moved me.

*Star*What I liked about this piece:
This poem struck me personally. My step-father died of cancer. 5 totally separate, unrelated cancers to be exact, and that was 5 years after winning the fight against colon cancer. It is a common belief among some family members that the cancer resides in the ground. With all of the construction being built, and the dirt and dust being unearthed and released into the air, the disease is also being released, thus causing many to fall to this evil.

*Star*Areas that I had trouble with:
NONE, this was written with clarity. It gives hope to those suffering, that others have conquered this evil.

*Star*Why I rated this so:
This was a poem that touched me both through the words and the message.


~*Balloon5*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing skills
Luck Of The Irish Auction   (E)
Open for bidding
#1143571 by ~WhoMe???~
Brithday heart

Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is a wonderful song you have created here, with music included. I can't listen to the tune for a couple of reasons, but am sure they do the lyrics a great compliment in the accompaniment. In the garden where all must get along, the harmony of the garden should be able to quell even the mightiest of foes.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Here I see the echoes of mother nature as one piece of the planet gives birth or reason to another. A symbiatic relationship. The syllable count is on and makes for a nice read. Perhpas consider combining several of these together for a longer piece.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh Fred and KC sound like a match made in Heaven. My KC will play fetch with those small rubber balls. She will bring it to you and drop it at your feet. Then repeat this process until she gets thirsty or bored. It has been great fun learning about Fred . Thank you for sharing.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow, two baby possums and Fred hasn't a problem with them, to me that is something alright. I can just picture the three of them playing when you aren't around. Fred doesn't like cheetos??? Just the smell of cheese drives my KC crazy.
Thanks for sharing another year of adventures.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh you have me rolling over this last little bit. It reminds me of my KC. She does something quite similar, only she does it when trying to crawl into your lap. I have had a fun time reading about Fred and some of his unusual antics. Thank you for sharing.
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Fred the mischievious devil, sounds like an added asset to the house. What house would be complete without one. At least he doesn't seem to be fussy. We have one that insists her food should be fresh out of the bag each morning and we should empty her water dish and pour her a fresh drink. If not, even at 3am she begins to howl. All the other time in the day she hides out and sleeps. Now the other one, is a lot more like Fred!
Review of The Heir  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You In Connection with "Invalid Item ♥♥♥♥♥


Storm Machine

*Star*Brief Summary:
This was a wonderful story. For reasons unstated. Sibyl has a falling out with the man she is seeing. Years later she is tracked down and declared his heir. This is the story of decisions to be made and how they are made.

*Note1* Unless I missed it, Paris and Sybil, go from talking on the front step to arriving in a car without a transition to the car. It is mentioned that Sybil should go with Paris, but the getting in the car and doing so isn't mentioned.

*Note2*“I don’t know why heleft it to me,” Sibyl said. (one sentence mid way through missing the bold word.

*Note3*Cohen died. IolaLola called to congratulate


~*Balloon5*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing skills
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#1140329 by Not Available.
From Terry

Review of Replaced  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You In Connection with "Invalid Item ♥♥♥♥♥


Storm Machine

*Star*Brief Summary:
cloning, is it the answer, or merely a modern day temporary fix to the supposed problem of the moment. Computers created to free up are time has allowed us to add more technology to consume our time. When Moire decides to take matters into her own hands, Rachel must suffer the concequences of her own actions. Cloning, the solution or the problem???

I really liked the path this story took. The unexpected outcome was a bit intriguing. Paying back his debt to society, Patrick is locked away, and Rachel is forever stuck in Cyberia.


~*Balloon5*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing skills
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#1140329 by Not Available.
Brithday heart

Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You In Connection with "Invalid Item ♥♥♥♥♥


Storm Machine

*Star*Brief Summary:
An interesting activity listed here for all participants to get to know other members. Fun filled facts that lead to exploration in order to find the truth. "Invalid Item is an in and out designed for guessing and leaving information about yourself as well. This keeps the game going for the next player.

Perhaps a banner to add to the visual appeal could decorate the halls of this great piece. other than that I see nothing that could use my input. Other than to possibly begin guessing on the other entrants.

*Star*What I liked about this piece:
The fun filled atmosphere that welcomes each player.


~*Balloon5*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing skills
Luck Of The Irish Auction   (E)
Open for bidding
#1143571 by ~WhoMe???~
hot coffee

Review of Firstborn, II  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You In Connection with "Invalid Item ♥♥♥♥♥


Storm Machine

*Star*Brief Summary:
As Audrey begins to understand and learn who she is, questions arise as to her existence and purpose. She is separated from her siblings and is paired up with another. Is this to be her mate? If so, what is to become of her race?

Azure, Laas, and Audrey continue their education and search for answers.

I could find nothing to suggest to this story. In fact I am so caught up in it, time had no power over me. I do hope you come back to this story and finish it one day. I really was enjoying this tale.


~*Balloon5*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing skills
Luck Of The Irish Auction   (E)
Open for bidding
#1143571 by ~WhoMe???~
From Terry

Review of Firstborn, I  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You In Connection with "Invalid Item ♥♥♥♥♥


Storm Machine

*Star*Brief Summary:
This is a wonderful adventure of discovery and adventure. Learning about youself and the world around you a vital key to surviving. Once could almost use this story as a metaphor for life. However there are several key elements inside that give this a sciece fiction base.

I'm not sure if I see some foreshadowing coming pertaining to the lxi. I can not tell if the lxi are in this for their own gain or if they are really trying to help the siblings in any way they can. Good suspense builder.


~*Balloon5*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing skills
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#1140329 by Not Available.
From Terry

Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You In Connection with "Invalid Item ♥♥♥♥♥


Storm Machine

*Star*Brief Summary:
Introcuction number two on this book has me debating myself. I liked how the first intro dove right into the story. However this version gives more of a background on the Doctor, and what he is doing as well as why.

I would suggest going with this version, and then perhaps using parts of what is in the first version later in your chapters.

*Star*What I liked about this piece:
I liked the background it gives on the Doctor. We learn a bit about his character and what motivates him in this intro.


~*Balloon5*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing skills
Luck Of The Irish Auction   (E)
Open for bidding
#1143571 by ~WhoMe???~
Brithday heart

Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You In Connection with "Invalid Item ♥♥♥♥♥


Storm Machine

*Star*Brief Summary:
Creating another world for the reader to venture into, this author has introduced several strange and new characters in the fascinating world. Creating conflict and perhaps war in this drama filled piece. This book shows great potential, and all of this is derived solely from the introduction.

*Note1* once one and for all

*Star*What I liked about this piece:
I liked the multi-faceted races included in this creation. Very imaginative. If this is the least liked of the introductions, I can't wait to move on to the other.


~*Balloon5*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing skills
Luck Of The Irish Auction   (E)
Open for bidding
#1143571 by ~WhoMe???~
hot coffee

Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You In Connection with "Invalid Item ♥♥♥♥♥


Storm Machine

*Star*Brief Summary:
An interesting "possible" entry to the contest, if you weren't one of the judges. I feel you did a great service to yourself and others in taking the contest challenge yourself to view and experience the difficulty and problems that may arise from such a challenge.


*Star*What I liked about this piece:
I liked the fact you added the link to the contest.

*Star*Areas that I had trouble with:


~*Balloon5*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing skills
 Invalid Item 
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#1140329 by Not Available.
hot coffee

Review of Evil wind  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You ♥♥♥♥♥

L. A. Powell

*Star*Brief Summary:
This wonderful free-style poem brought to mind several thoughts, scenarios and ideas.

At first I picture disease lying in the dust, disturbed by the construction and expansion of man. Cancerous microbes eating at the very heart and soul of man.

Then, I picture the balance of good and evil. What is the balance? What is the counterweight that tips the scale one direction or another?

*Star*What I liked about this piece:
I found this to be a very thought provoking piece.


~*Balloon5*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing skills
Luck Of The Irish Auction   (E)
Open for bidding
#1143571 by ~WhoMe???~
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members

Review of Rules To Live By  
Review by ~WhoMe???~
Rated: E | (4.5)
♥♥♥♥♥ A Review For You In Connection with "Invalid Item ♥♥♥♥♥

This item is being reviewed in recognition of Ronis brain tumor is gone! who donated this item to you in connection with "Invalid Item

D.L. Robinson
*Star*Brief Summary:
This appears to be a limerick of a poem written for a contest. Creatively done with great rhyming and style.

The last verse has trouble, that other than the syllable count, I feel some re-wording would help.
We're glad it was us you found
We want you to stick around

*Star*What I liked about this piece:
The educational aspect of this was great. Lessons taught in verse as well as lessons for this site. Creative combination.

*Star*Areas that I had trouble with:
Last verse, middle rhyme.


~*Balloon5*~Thank you for sharing your creative writing skills
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#1238917 by Not Available.
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