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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
This is for Snow Melt and More Snow Melt

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Other Blogs and Journals
containing the continuing writing adventures of Prosperous Snow celebrating

"The Snowflake Chronicles
"More Snow Melt
"Writing in Snow
"Welcome to My Life
"Memories of Snow
"Dreams of Snow
Poet999's Thoughts about Writing and Other Stuff http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/
Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon http://poet999.blogspot.com/

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October 25, 2007 at 4:10pm
October 25, 2007 at 4:10pm
10 'Ilm 164 B.E. - Thursday, October 25, 2007 about 1:04 PM PDT

This is going to be one of those days I spend catching up on things. I have some blog entries to write. So I'm starting with this blog. Then I have to go to payperpost.com to see what adds are available for me to put on Poet 999's Thoughts about Writing and Other Stuff. I think I'll have to add the to my off site blog list here.

Next I have to go to taketheinternetback.com and see what e-mail there is for me to read. Some of those ads are interesting, but then I opted in to get the ads so maybe that's why I enjoy reading them.

I still have to do some reviews on site here, work on a novel, on the NaNoWriMo planning (I need to complete that), write a poem and flash fiction for today. Make a Thankful Thursday entry in my gratitude journal and post it to the yahoo journal writing group.
October 24, 2007 at 1:17am
October 24, 2007 at 1:17am
9 'Ilm 164 B.E. - Tuesday, October 23, 2007 about 10:05 PM PDT

I'm thinking about upcoming holidays, specifically Christmas. What got me started was a garland Cinquain I wrote for the Stretch Your Style poetry contest. The poem I wrote had nothing to do with Christmas or gift giving. The poem is
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1337552 by Not Available.

When you center a cinquain it looks like a tree and that's what got me to thinking about Christmas.

Ever Green Trees
stand at windows their lights
blinking on and off, on and off
October 15, 2007 at 8:56pm
October 15, 2007 at 8:56pm
I'm rewriting a novel called Scavengers and I just realized I'm getting nowhere become I'm not considering the effect of the environment of the planet on the colonist or the colonist on the planet. This is central to the plot of the story. This is what I get for not planning the novel in the first place.
October 15, 2007 at 2:47am
October 15, 2007 at 2:47am
19 Mashiyyat 164 B.E. - Sunday, October 14, 2007 about 11:39 PM PDT

Oh, what a brave little mouse she was
moving tirelessly from icon to icon
opening programs,
saving documents,
making navigation from web site to web site easy and swift.

Now she sit beside my keyboard
her little black body glistening in the monitors light
with her tail still connected to a computer port,
but unable to communicate my wishes and desires.

What a brave and obedient little creature she was
only a few days ago
now she sit useless,
helplessly waiting for me to disconnect her,
to replace her with another of her kind.

Oh, what shall I do with her little plastic body,
bury it in the backyard
or put it out with the recyclables
for Saturday's pick-up.
October 14, 2007 at 1:43pm
October 14, 2007 at 1:43pm
18 Mashiyyat 164 B.E.- Sunday, October 14, 2007 about 10:31 AM PDT

I lost my reading glasses again. I can't find them anywhere and I don't remember where I took them off. I also can't find my prayer book. I have one laying by the computer, but it isn't the one I carry with me and use regularly. I also have a prayer book in the car. All the prayer books have the same prayers in them, but I can't find the prayer book I normally use nor my reading glasses.

I had the prayer book this morning. I picked it up and carried it to (I think) the kitchen while I was making coffee. Then I pick it up again and carried it to ... There is a reason I have more than one prayer book (besides a new one coming out periodically with new translations of prayers). If I have more than one prayer book then I don't have to worry about mislaying one and forgetting where I put it.

The reading glasses are a different story. I have only one pair of reading glasses. The pair of glasses I'm wearing now are the one I wear to drive with not read with. I remember have the reading glasses Thursday night. I don't remember having them Friday. In fact, I don't remember what I did with them Thursday night before I went to bed. I think I had them with me when I went to bed, but I don't know for sure.

I'll eventually find them, but the problem is eventually. I'm working with the ones I have as best I can, but the reading glasses would help. I think if I just keep moving things from the last places I remember having them I'll find them. I think the next time I get glasses I'll get lined bifocals that will eliminate loosing my glasses or taking them off and laying them down someplace.
October 12, 2007 at 3:27pm
October 12, 2007 at 3:27pm
16 Mashiyyat 164 B.E. - Friday, October 12, 2007 about 12:11 PM PDT

Yesterday Mom and I went to pick up 100 cone shaped coffee filters I received off freecycle. One the way home I decided to stop to do same business at a place on South Jones. When I completed that I drove back home drive east on Sahara.

I was stopped at a light staring off into nowhere and missed the light changing from red to green. The cars ahead of me moved, but I didn't behind me was a "big rig" the drove honked at me (the proper thing to do under the circumstances). It was a polite honk, not loud enough to frighted but just enough to get me moving. If it was someone in another car he or she would have leaned on the horn and yelled out the window.

We arrived home and the only things I got done yesterday were dishes, laundry and trash carried out to the garage. In fact I didn't get all the trash carried out. I still have recyclables to take off the patio and the trash under the sink to take out. Tomorrow is both trash and recyclable day.

This morning I haven't gotten a lot done either except make some blog entries, read some e-mail and do some surveys. I still have to write today's poem, make the gratitude journal entry and the entry in Writing My Spiritual Journey. This afternoon I have to pick up Mom's meds and perhaps stop at a grocery store for cat food. I'm waiting for the postman to go, I'm expecting a couple of checks and I'm hoping at least one come today.

I had an appointment for a dental screening today, but I rescheduled it for November. I can't reschedule the November screening, but if I'm lucky the rash on my neck will be cleared up and the two loose teeth in my mouth will have come out naturally.

I actually had the money for the screening until I had to get gas yesterday while picking up the coffee filters. I got lost trying to find the place, I'm probably the only person in the world that can get lost following mapquest directions. Fortunately, postal delivery personnel give good directions.
October 8, 2007 at 11:24pm
October 8, 2007 at 11:24pm
13 Mashiyyat 164 B.E. - Monday, October 8, 2007 about 8:15 PM PDT

Let's face I'm not politically active. I'm registered nonpartisan. I vote and I work the polls, that's about as much as I get involved in politics. I'm not an activist of any kind. I recycle aluminum cans for gas money. I have four blogs devoted mostly to writing, writing exercises, transformation, spirituality and other stuff. I do once in a while state my opinion, but I'm not a bitch about it. I give my thoughts and if people like them they like them if they don't they don't

However, I am going to get involved in Blog Action Day on October 15. I will write something in each of my blogs about the environment. The idea behind Blog Action Day is that bloggers can change the world by posting on the same subject all across the world. It sounds good and I think I can some how relate the environment either to writing, transformation, spirituality or religion. I have a few ideas and I'll write on those. I looking forward to see how this little experiment works.

6 Day left until Blog Action Day

October 8, 2007 at 2:46am
October 8, 2007 at 2:46am
12 Mashiyyat 164 B.E. - Sunday, October 7, 2007 about 11:36 PM PDT

Can anything be as sweet
As orange kernel shapes in a Trick or Treat bag?
Nothing brings back memories of Halloween night like
Dandy little corn shaped candy.
You eat them one by one or by the handful.

Chocolate is nice on Valentines day or Christmas;
Only corn syrup tasting candies
Really satisfy my craving for sweets
Now that Halloween is approaching.
October 5, 2007 at 4:43am
October 5, 2007 at 4:43am
9 Mashiyyat 164 B.E. - Friday, October 5, 2007 about 1:28 AM PDT

I'm in the process of catching up. I've caught up with the number of survey's I decided to do in a single day, the average comes out to nine a day. I caught up for today and don't have to worry about those unless something important comes to one of my e-mail boxes, i.e. a survey that pays cash to my paypal account or a check in the mail.

Next is to catch up with the reviews on writing.com that may take a little longer unless I decide to do a marathon, which I doubt because I still have housework (dishes are finished), but I still need to catch up with the mopping and laundry. I could do the laundry tonight, but the washing machine is out of balance and I have to stand by it during the spin cycle. Since I don't have a laptop and wireless Internet connection that just puts me behind on line or with writing, so it doesn't help me get caught up.

I also have to make several blog entries and research, but the research can wait until Saturday. Today I have to go pay my Internet provider and put a $1.01 in my mother's bank account or it will be over drawn Monday. The telephone bill was past due and the money was in the bank, however they took another charge out they didn't tell me about. It wasn't a big charge, but it's enough to cause an overdraft fee next week. So before I call the insurance company and have them take the car insurance out I have to put a little money in the bank.

I suppose I should get up and go to bed, but I'm not sleepy. Even if I was going to bed wouldn't help. I can set at the computer and fall asleep. When I go to bed I can't sleep. I lay there awake staring at the ceiling or looking out the window wondering who the Metro helicopter is looking for.
October 4, 2007 at 2:51am
October 4, 2007 at 2:51am
8 Mashiyyat 164 B.E. - Wednesday, October 3, 2007 about 11:45 PM PDT

People sitting in chairs
comfortable until the minutes become hours
some sleep,
some read,
some stare into space thinking
or are they meditating.

Name by name they rise
and walk to the nurse standing in the door
leading to the doctor's inner sanctum,
hoping that the news is good
but preparing for the worst.

Good news or bad
the wait is no shorter nor the co-payment less;
perhaps it is true that the doctor
only wants to make you sicker
so that he can make this month's payment
on his Harley-Davidson.
September 30, 2007 at 12:31pm
September 30, 2007 at 12:31pm
4 Mashiyyat 164 B.E. - Sunday, September 30, 2007 about 9:15 AM PDT

I now have a set of real glass water and juice glasses, actually two set because the juice glasses have a different design on them then the water glasses. I picked them up off freecycle the other day under the title "kitchen stuff". I can get rid of the plastic tumblers we've had for years. The tumblers are Tupperware and I already have some one who wants them, she's suppose to pick them up Monday evening.

When I was growing up my Grandmother had two sets of dishes and glassware. One set, the "good" dishes, she used for guest, Sunday dinners and holiday meals. The other set she used everyday. As a child I drink water and juice out of the everyday set of glassware. Glasses were supposed to be used and not just looked at. It didn't matter what the pattern was we used them.

Grandma got jelly in glass jars and when they were empty, she washed the little jars and we drank juice out of them. If we dropped a glass and broke it, it didn't matter because there was another one of the same design in the cupboard with jelly in it. When we eat the jelly then we had a full set of juice glasses again.

I like drinking ice water, tea, juice and milk out of glassware. The liquid feels like its colder when it comes out of a real glass. I'm not sure that there is a difference in the temperature, but that isn't the point. I think there is a difference in the temperature and that is what's important.

Also in the box of "kitchen stuff" was a set of matching coffee cups. I don't think I have a set of matching coffee cups, at least not more than two or three and that's not a real set. A set of matching coffee cups consists in four or more cups of the same design. I have a lot of coffee mugs with business logos on them, I have Christmas mugs and other mugs with different designs or sayings on them, but they are a set.

I'm going to enjoy drinking coffee out of the matching set. I'm getting nostalgic, maybe that's a side effect of turning 60 or maybe it's just the stress I've went through lately. I'm not sure what it is and, at this point, I really don't care. I'm going to enjoy that nostalgic feeling as long as I can.
September 29, 2007 at 7:26am
September 29, 2007 at 7:26am
3 Mashiyyat 164 B.E. - Saturday, September 29, 2007 about 4:12 AM PDT

I'm back in form despite the fact that I'm breaking out in stress. I'm going to relax and do something I enjoy for a change. It's not that I don't enjoy housework, I love to use my new mop. However, I have reviews to do and I have blog entries to make. I decided to start with a blog entry and then move to some reviews. I'm planning on being up all day with the exception of a few breaks. I'm going to take prayer breaks, a nap break and probably laundry break. I hope I don't break too much laundry because then I have to clean it up.

My sense of humor is off the wall and everything else. I've been up all night cleaning out my yahoo e-mail and doing surveys. I may stop later to do a couple of survey breaks because I have only two more to achieve my quota for today. However, I'm short on my quota for reviews so I'm going to focus on those. I know this probably doesn't make a lot of sense. I noticed when I made the the entry in Writing My Spiritual Journey that didn't make a lot of sense either. That's OK, I don't think a person has to make sense all the time. Sometimes confusion and nonsense are all right.

It's possible I need to go to sleep, but I don't want to lay down until after I've taken the trash out today. This is recyclable day as well, so I suppose I should take some of those out. If I don't get the recyclables out today then I'll have to wait two weeks.

As I said before (apparently my short term memory isn't as bad as I thought it was) I've been under a lot of stress lately. It's telling on me, I have to relax or I won't be worth anything next week. Mom has a colonscope scheduled for Wednesday at 10:00 AM so I have to be at least half way present.

September 27, 2007 at 1:47pm
September 27, 2007 at 1:47pm
1 Mashiyyat 164 B.E. - Thursday, September 27, 2007 about 10:34 AM PDT

For me a new month has begun. Mashiyyat (Will) began last night at sunset. The next nineteen days are full of writing projects and research. My research is focused on increasing readership on my off site blogs. Until this morning, I wondered if anyone every read either blog or not. However, in my yahoo mail box there was a comment from someone who read Poet 999 - A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon - http://poet999.blogspot.com. I haven't found any responses to the other blogs yet. Of course, the only blogs I've written anything about wanting comments is Poet 999's Though about writing and Other Stuff - http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com - and A Butterfly Emerges from her Cocoon.

Today is Thankful Thursday on the yahoo journal writing group I'm in and I haven't started the Gratitude Journal entry yet. I have to make a call to arrange to pick up kitchen stuff I ask for on freecycle, I'll do that as soon as I finish this entry. I, also, have to do some reviews on writing.com today. Since I'm going to be on and off line all day, I'll do the reviews either this afternoon or this evening.

In Mashiyyat I'm going to focus on finishing up some writing projects and submitting to contests. In fact, I think I have a piece finished for a contest that ends on September 30. Next week my Mother is going to have a Colonscope on Wednesday at 10:00 AM and since we have to be there 15 minutes before the procedure I'm not sure how much I'll get done at home.

I've divided my writing and housework time into morning, afternoon and evening for Mashiyyat. I want to find out when I write best and do the housework at other times, so I'm giving myself nineteen days to figure this out. I'm feeling optimistic this morning, of course, I always feel optimistic in the mornings so I guess I should wait until afternoon or evening to figure out how I really feel.
September 25, 2007 at 6:17pm
September 25, 2007 at 6:17pm
18 'Izzat 164 B.E. - Tuesday, September 25, 2007 about 3:17 PM PDT

I started out the day up beat and in a good mood, while the middle of the day brought tears and I have not idea how the day will end. The tears are the results of me realizing that my life probably isn't as screwed up as I thought and that the reason it is screwed up is my own fault. My thought are negative or mostly negative for the past few months or may be a year. I haven't been taking tests and difficulties in the same way I did before, in fact I've been really down lately and for several months.

My biggest joy in the past few months is buying a spaghetti mop and throwing out the sponge mops (actually I haven't taken them to the curb yet they are in the garage). My biggest joy buying a new mop, I'm becoming domestic. I have not objections to domestic, but that isn't the vision of myself I've always had, but that doesn't solve the negative thoughts problem.

What brought this on? I read an article yesterday about The Law of Attraction. I realized that my thoughts were negative, that they've been negative for sometime now. Maybe not a year, maybe just six, seven or nine months. That the negative thoughts have increased and that I have to change them. I'm not sure how the day will end.

I have to do something to change my thoughts, that should be easy since I don't think I've been saying my prayers the way I should. I know that when I'm saying my prayers as I should say them I'm not as negative. I put more trust in God and I'm not as afraid of what will happen.

I swear, if I didn't know better I'd say I was going through labor. Maybe I am, not giving birth to a child, but to a new way of life for myself and my soul. I became a Baha'i about thirty years ago. In fact, in November I'll celebrate thirty years in the Baha'i faith, thirty years of accepting Baha'u'llah. I think my problems begin last year right around November or December. Somewhere between the celebration of my declaration as a Baha'i and my 60th birthday.

I've been rambling or I think I'm rambling. I'm attempting to get my thoughts straight. I feel better after writing this. I'm not sure what a lot of this has to do with getting a new mop. I'm going to have to explore some of the themes in this a bit more. I'm also going to have to log into writing.com again and do some reviews. I need to clean house and I don't have anyone to help me, I can't get anyone to help me and ... I'm not going to continue that thought. I'm just going to figure out a schedule so that I can both write and clean house (not at the same time of course). In fact, I think I'll stop complaining all together for a few days and see what happens when I don't complain either out loud or in my mind.
September 23, 2007 at 4:01am
September 23, 2007 at 4:01am
16 'Izzat 164 B.E. - Sunday, September 23, 2007 about 12:51 AM PDT

It's that time of year again when The Interfaith Council of Southern Nevada holds it panel discussions. This years venue sounds intriguing and educational. There are four different topics, with each discussion held at a different place of worship.

2007 Topics and Dates

October 14 - Religion: Peaceful or Violent?
October 21 - Spiritual Stories from My Religion
October 28 - Is There A Spirituality of Money?
November 4 - Eco-Spirituality

The theme of the forums is "What We Believe: A Step Toward Understanding...". I like to attend these forums every year, but the topics this year are more relevant then some of the others I've attended. I'm looking forward to attending.
September 21, 2007 at 12:30am
September 21, 2007 at 12:30am
14 'Izzat 164 B.E. - Thursday, September 20, 2007 about 9:09 PM PDT

I started to title this entry Time Zone Confusion because I'd intended to log in later last night or earlier this morning. All right so much for intentions, I didn't get logged in, but it had nothing to do with any confusion about time zones or writing.com time. It had to do with my own lack of scheduling. I'm going to have to set up some sort of time schedule for doing housework.

I'm breaking out in stress I know it's stress and not something else because I haven't drank tomato juice in two or three weeks and I have taken my meds in a few days. It has nothing to do with either of those possibilities. Besides the rash is different then the one I get from drinking too much tomato juice and I don't normally have reactions to medication only to be off medication.

It's been a few years since I actually broke out in stress so I'd forgotten how it was. I have a rash between my breast that I thought, at first, was a heat rash. I get a heat rash when the humidity and temperature are both high at the same time. However, the rash I have is different because there are welts as well. The welts are on my right breast, so it has to be stress. Also I have a rash on my neck that goes into my hair. Then there is the left ear rash or whatever that is. Everything points to a stress rash and its driving me up a wall.

I want to scratch, but if I scratch it only makes things worse. The rash is dry and I'm putting extra emollient night cream on it to keep it from drying out and itching, but it itches anyway. I suppose I really should see a doctor, but he/she is only going to do the same thing to me as to my sister. Cordazon shots after blood tests, but if it doesn't clear up before next Friday, I'm going to have to go.

I've got an appointment for a dentist screening next month. UNLV has a dental clinic and they take patients at reduced rates. They are either going to look in my mouth and tell me to get out or they are going to say I'm the type of patient they want. I have only five teeth left in the bottom gum.There are more in the top, but one is on the verge of coming out. Fortunately, at the moment anyway, I don't have any roots left, those all came out a couple of months ago.

My lack of teeth doesn't stop me from eating what I want. True I no longer eat corn on the cob in public, but that's out of respect to the other dinners in a restaurant. It's a bit difficult, not impossible, but difficult to eat corn on the cob with only five teeth in your lower jaw.

I suppose this is probably a lot more the anyone ever wanted to know about me. I'm actually surprised that I'm writing it, I'm really a very shy person. At least, I used to be, but since I turned 60 on December 24, 2006 I seem to be coming out of my cocoon and letting things hang out I wouldn't this time last year.
September 19, 2007 at 1:09pm
September 19, 2007 at 1:09pm
12 'Izzat 164 B.E. - Wednesday, September 19, 2007 about 9:54 AM PDT

I'm getting back on the ball. I fell off, but I don't think I hurt myself. Now I have to get back on it and it's difficult getting back on when you fall off. I still have reviews to catch up with and other writing, but I think persistence will win out in the end.

Last night I read at the 9th Annual Lady's Poetry Night. The event was held at the reJAVAnate, on Pecos and Flaming this year. Hot Java was the title of the event. There was a game that you matched a words with the readers. The words were what each reader thought about themselves. I got five right and I won a poetry book called Lunch Poems by Frank O'Hara. This book is Number Nineteen in The Pocket Pet Series. I don't think I have any other poems by Frank O'Hara.

Right now I'm waiting for a load of cloths to dry before I have to put in another load and wash more dishes. I'm behind on a lot of stuff, but I'm going to catch up on most of it by Saturday or Sunday if not before. This means I'll be on and off line periodically the rest of the week. I also think I'll be doing some midnight hours when it comes to writing and reviewing.

I'm not sure what's wrong at this moment, but I seem to be heading for the darkness. I haven't been sleeping very well lately, I go to bed between 10:00 PM and midnight and get up between 2:00 AM and 4:00 AM. The alarm clock is set to go off at 4:00 AM, but I haven't been waiting for it to go off before waking up. I know one of my problems is that I look at what I have to accomplish rather that what I've accomplished.
September 17, 2007 at 12:24am
September 17, 2007 at 12:24am
10 'Izzat 164 B.E. - Sunday, September 16, 2007 about 9:13 PM PDT

I'm on Cloud 9 because I received 2nd honorable mention in round 2 of "Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor . I entered three items into this contest. The item that received 2nd honorable mention was P3 response "Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor .

The other two quotes I entered are

P4. You Are Worthy
The wind has no voice of its own, but speaks in variegated tones taken from the throats of those it kisses. You, however, are not the wind, but one of those kissed by the wind. Therefore, you are worthy to proclaim your own opinions and beliefs.

P5. As Above - So Below
We are the larva of butterflies and moths in the cocoon of matter; it is the test and difficulties of this present life that gives our souls wings and allows our spirits to fly.

September 16, 2007 at 5:46pm
September 16, 2007 at 5:46pm
9 'Izzat 164 B.E. - Sunday, September 16, 2007 about 2:31 PM PDT

I think my optimistic self is coming back. I'm feeling positive, I can see the light coming through the clouds or maybe I'm just looking at the light again. I haven't wanted to write too much about my dark mood. Sometimes when I'm in the darkness I can write about it and sometimes I have to leave before I can write about the experience.

There are a few things that help me which includes the prayers revealed by Baha'u'llah. I've also found that housework seems to have an interesting effect on me. It causes me to be more optimistic, maybe it's because I'm using energy and that helps dispel the darkness. An interesting thing about mopping floors is the desire to cry.

I cry while I mop floors. I noticed it before when I got on my hands and knees to scrub the tile, but it's the same using a spaghetti mop. I want to cry while I'm mopping the floor. Every since last December 24, when I turned 60 I've noticed several interesting things about myself. I know it has nothing to do with the change because I went through that five or six years ago.

Actually what I've noticed about myself has nothing to do with anything physical. It is a spiritual thing. My faith is increasing and my inner critic is attempting to stop me from writing or doing anything that will help me progress spiritually. I know that humans have a tendency to put the blame on someone else. However, my inner critic is just a part of me, the part that's afraid of success. I'm the only one who can control The Critic and I'm finding that easier to do.

I have a lot of work both on line and off line, as well as reviews. I'm going to catch up on the writing and reviews this month. The housework as well, since I go the new mop my life has taken on a different focus. I'm not sure that the mop itself has a lot to do with it, it's just the idea of finally getting it. Now I can focus on other things like getting cartridges for my printer and a new office chair for my desk.
September 13, 2007 at 6:36pm
September 13, 2007 at 6:36pm
6 'Izzat 164 B.E. - Thursday, September 13, 2007 about 3:26 PM PDT

I did it! I completed the last of the two free iVillage courses that ended September 14. All right, so maybe taking two courses at the same time, with the same ending date wasn't the most intelligent thing in the world. Especially with everything I have on my plate and housework to do without help from anyone on this planet or in the universe.

I visualize myself as determined and a determined person can "eventually" get everything complete by the necessary deadline. Sometimes the job doesn't quite come up to the standards of the rest of the universe, but sometimes "good enough" is necessary and when it comes to housework "good enough" is a good job.

Any way now that the iVillage courses are completed I'm moving on to the cat litter, which is easier than what it sounds. I'm just dumping the old, throwing it out completely and putting new in. I have the scoopable for indoors and the other kind for the patio. So I think I'll end this and go see how much housework I can get done before I have to write again.

I'm working on an addiction essay (the subject isn't the usual addition) and a poem about my grandparents. I have to think about both pieces and doing something besides composing helps me to think. I've got my pen and paper journal I can take notes in if necessary.

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