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Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
This is for Snow Melt and More Snow Melt

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containing the continuing writing adventures of Prosperous Snow celebrating

"The Snowflake Chronicles
"More Snow Melt
"Writing in Snow
"Welcome to My Life
"Memories of Snow
"Dreams of Snow
Poet999's Thoughts about Writing and Other Stuff http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/
Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon http://poet999.blogspot.com/

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August 3, 2007 at 2:38am
August 3, 2007 at 2:38am
3 Kamal 164 B.E. – Thursday, August 02, 2007 at 11:33:44 PM PDT

This entry is the results of finding "Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor on writing.com. Nelson’s Landing is a little town on the other side of Boulder City, Nevada. To get to there you take either Boulder Highway or 95 toward Boulder City then take turn onto a road that goes toward Arizona. Nelson’s Landing is a left turn off that road. OK, I’ve been there only once and it was a long time ago.

Anyway, Nelson’s Landing got its name because boat that went up and down the Colorado River used to dock there. That was before Hoover Dam was constructed. Nelson’s Landing is in the Rockies. In the mountains around it are navigational beacons used by the air force.

Several years ago, there was a big flap about people living in Nelson’s Landing seeing UFOs. I don’t know what anyone actually saw, it could’ve been anything. A person can see some odd things in the mountains and desert around here, not to mention the sky. I mean what with the navigational beacons, the test sight and the UFO Highway there is a lot of weird and interesting things going on in this area.

I remember seeing a UFO once, not around here. The UFO I saw was in Oklahoma. I’m not sure how old I was at the time, we were at the trailer house my Grandparents had on Lake Blackwell. I was lying in bed and looking out the window, when this round object made some extremely unusual maneuvers in the sky above. True I was young (probably in grade school), I could’ve been drifting off to sleep and had a dream, but I don’t think so. I didn’t think so then and I don’t think so now. I saw a UFO!

As far as I know, UFO aliens haven’t abducted me; that would probably be an interesting experience. Of course, in my 60 some years I’ve had a lot of interesting experience, some of which I’d just as soon forget. I remember traumatic experiences, so I’d probably remember a UFO abduction. The pleasant untraumatic experiences don’t want to remain in my memory.

Now to the question – Do I believe in UFOs? I saw one. Seeing is believing or is it believing is seeing. Actually, I’m attempting to keep an open mind on the subject. What I do believe is that creatures live on other planets in the universe. I suspect there are civilizations that are more advanced and less advanced then the civilization here on earth. I also think that my belief or disbelief has absolutely no effect on whether creatures live on other planets or not. If there are creatures on other planets or UFOs in the sky above earth then they exist whether I believe in them or not.

I don’t think the Men in Black are going to come after me. When we lived in Oklahoma City, my bother had a school friend who swore the Men in Black were after him. I never saw any of them following him, so I don’t know one way or another whether they were out to get him or not. Let’s face it I’ve encountered some odd … weird … interesting people in my life. Some I’d like to meet again and some I’d just as soon never met at all. Although if I hadn’t met them I would be a completely different person today. This topic has gotten away for UFOs and Nelson’s Landing. Therefore, I think I’ll post it and go to bed. Maybe I’ll dream of UFOs or the Men in Black.
July 29, 2007 at 10:19pm
July 29, 2007 at 10:19pm
17 Kalimat 164 B.E. – July 29, 2007 at 7:15:15 PM Pacific Daylight Time

It’s a new week. It’s the end of July. It’s partly cloudy here in Las Vegas. The clouds are the white fluffy type the peek over the olive tree and tease with the promise of rain. The humidity is up. I have a case of heat rash between my breasts. This always happens when the humidity get over 1% and the temperature gets close to the triple digits. That’s one of the reasons I was so miserable in Oklahoma during the summer. I don’t mind the heat and I don’t mind the humidity, but I don’t like them at the same time. I can hand one or the other not both.

My week has started out OK, although maybe I should wait until tomorrow morning to determine that. I’m making an attempt to get my writing organized so that I can submit some stories and poems to online mags and other places. I’ve changed the way I do my excel calendar. I had to, Friday I took Mom to her doctor, we got there at 9:30 A.M. because I had put down that’s that time for the appointment. Actual appointment time 2:00 P.M. fortunately they worked us in. Therefore, I decided to approach the calendar a little differently and downloaded some free calendar pages for excel.

I’ve arranged August into five weeks, I begin the week today (never mind that it’s still July) today is the beginning of the week, so it is labeled August Week 1 in my excel weekly calendar. The weekly calendar I set up myself. The monthly calendar is the free download.

I’m attempting to get organized and uncluttered at the same time. I’m having some success at multitasking. There are 5 months left in 2007, time flies whether you’re having fun or not. I’m in a better mood then I was this morning, which is unusual because usually I’m in a better mood in the morning then the afternoon or evening.
July 26, 2007 at 5:54pm
July 26, 2007 at 5:54pm
14 Kalimat 164 B.E. – July 26, 2007 at 2:52:28 PM PDT

The mind is its own place, and in itself,
can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven.
John Milton

In paying attention to my thoughts, I observed something very interesting today. My thoughts are a mixture of critical and positive self-talk. My critical self-talk never address me by my name or in the first person. My critical self-talk says You’re Stupid, That’s a silly idea or People will think you’re stupid. I this interesting, you’d think your negative (critical) self-talk would address you by name. My positive self-talk does address me by name. I find this difference between the two interesting.

I, also, have a tendency to worry about what might happen, which is a waste of energy because what might happen seldom occurs. The truth is I don’t ever remember a what might happen occurring. Normally what does happen I wouldn’t have ever worried about or imagined. Maybe I should start putting my what might happen into some of my stories, several of them would make good plots.

Actually, my self-talk is much more positive when I raise my thoughts from the material level to the spiritual level. A question asked: What steps can I take to learn to use my mind’s power for positive change? I suppose the first thing I need to do is take all my worries and problems and pray about them. When I was reading a book I have, I found steps to using prayer to solve problems. I wonder if it would work the same way with worry.
July 25, 2007 at 9:48am
July 25, 2007 at 9:48am
13 Kalimat 164 B.E. - Wednesday, July 25, 2007 at 6:42:26 AM PDT

It’s a beautiful monsoon morning,
the blacktop glistens from a predawn shower,
the scent of fresh air and the feel of moisture
invigorate both the mind and the soul.

It’s a beautiful monsoon morning in Las Vegas. I looked out my living room window this morning and saw a street glistening from last night’s rain. The clouds covering the sky from mountain range to mountain range, move slowly across the firmament. We might have a peek at blue sky today, or we might not. I didn’t listen to the weather this morning and I haven’t checked my e-mail yet so I’m not sure what today’s forecast says.

This is Wednesday, trash pickup in my neighborhood. I’m going to put the one full trash can I have in the garage. Last Saturday was recyclable day, so the most I took out that day was the bens containing plastic bottles and tin cans. If I put one trashcan out today, then this coming Saturday I’ll put two or three out. I have other things in the garage and house that needs throwing away and I need to sweep the driveway because the stone pine have shed, but it’s such a beautiful day that I’m not sure I want to sweep the driveway.

On this beautiful monsoon morning I just took the trashcan out to the curb, it’s 6:10:20 AM here in Las Vegas. The cans have to be out by 7:00 AM, not that the trucks are here right at 7:00 AM sometimes it takes them all day to do the pickup and sometimes they get it done before 7:30 AM. While I was in the garage, I looked in two of the other three aluminum trashcans. Two are full of trash, but the stuff isn’t in garbage bags so I can’t take them out until I dump them in a plastic bag. With the rain and the wind the way it is right now, it’s not wise to put stuff out to the curb without putting it in trash bags; otherwise it blows all over the street.

On this beautiful monsoon morning, the sky is becoming a patchwork quilt of blue and white. The clouds aren’t going to go away today, they will just move slowly across the sky. It’ll probably be cooler today, but the humidity is up. However, if it does stay cooler I may go out and sweep the driveway off. I have the trash bags to put the stuff in, so I don’t have to put it in a can without putting it into bags.

On this beautiful monsoon morning,
the firmament is a patchwork quilt of white clouds and blue sky,
my heart leaps as I inhale the scent of morning
whispering a prayer of thanks for the rain.

It’s been a long time since we had this much rain, for the past few years the monsoon season was just another hot and dry summer. This rain won’t take us out of our drought, but it will help. I think our biggest problem is global warming, I know everyone across the planet blames all the weird weather of global warming. However, in the case of our drought it may be to blame. The problem here is not so much no rain in the monsoon season and the depth of the winter snow pack. When the snow pack in the mountains melts in spring, it puts water into Lake Mead. The past few years the snow pack hasn’t been deep and hasn’t put a lot of water into Lake Mead.
July 24, 2007 at 9:15am
July 24, 2007 at 9:15am
12 Kalimat 164 B.E. – Tuesday, July 24, 2007 at 6:09:55 AM PDT

Monsoon season is finally here. Yesterday before dawn it rained. Last night before going to bed, I heard thunder. After I went to bed, I saw distant lightning. It’s a little cooler, especially mornings after the night’s rain. It rained last night. It’s suppose to rain today, but I don’t know about that, I’ll wait to see if it does. Yesterday it didn’t rain during the day, although it ranged from cloudy to partly cloudy all day. The clouds cleared enough in the late afternoon for the blue sky to show through.

A little bit of rain on the local roads and the accidents increase. The more rain we get the better chance of flooding. The flood control district spent a lot of money on flood control project. They did work on the Charleston Underpass, attempting to prevent it from filling with water during a heavy rain. The problem is it hasn’t rained enough in the past few years to see if it worked. It’s not a big deal, there are ways to avoid the Underpass. One can go either west on Alta or west on Oakey-Western. The Alta route is probably the best because the other one passes across sections of Main and other streets that still have a flooding problem.

I just looked out the living room window. I don’t know where it rained today, but it wasn’t in my section of town. The street and driveway is dry this morning. The clouds are still there, but the streets are dry. I’m not that interested in where it rained. I do wonder if it rained at McCarran Airport. If it didn’t rain at McCarran then the rain is “unofficial”. I know that sounds a little strange, but that’s the way it is in Vegas.

It’s nice that monsoon season is finally here. August is coming up so that’s when the most beautiful lightning occurs. Today there is a flash flood warning, which isn’t unexpected. Whenever we get rain there’s normally a flash flood warning.

When thunder roars
Go indoors

Channel 3 Morning Weatherman

Usually when thunder roars I am indoors. Although, I thin I’m going to have to sweep my driveway off. I noticed that the stuff from the pine trees is scattered in piles out there. I’ll have to do that latter today, before I get the car out of the garage anyway. I’ve got some disposable gloves that were left here when the nurses were coming into take care of Mom’s bed soar. The bed soar is healed and the nurses don’t come in any more. I still do have a lot of the stuff they left here though.

Fredrick’s (the Channel 3 weatherman) said he and Jordan (his dog) saw some spectacular lightning strikes last night. I’m sorry I missed seeing them. I saw distance echoes of the strikes, but not the lightning itself. It’s been a long time since I saw a really crisp image of lighting. OK, I enjoy watching it. I’m not sure when this transformation occurred, when I was a child I’d cuddle the dog when I saw lightning or heard thunder, but as an adult I enjoy see the beauty of the bolts.
July 23, 2007 at 11:09am
July 23, 2007 at 11:09am
11 Kalimat 164 B.E. – July 23, 2007 at 8:07:50 AM PDT

All you who are going to pieces,
who are unraveling at the seams,
please take a moment to listen
to the voices in your dreams.

All you who are going to pieces
who are falling apart day by day
pull back from the problem
and take a moment to pray.

Singleton stood on the corner of Maryland Parkway and Sahara waiting for the light to change. He saw the Citizens Area Transit bus approaching the stop on Sahara, if he ran across Sahara, dodging the speeding vehicles, he could catch it and would arrive on time for work. He started to step into traffic, but a hand held him back. Turning around to see who had stopped him, he caught a momentary glimpse of unnaturally blue hair, but saw only empty sidewalk behind him. When he turned back to the intersection, the green arrow was on allowing cars to make a left turn off Maryland and onto Sahara.

Rushing to the middle of the intersection, Singleton saw the bus stop and began to unload passengers. Wonderful, he thought watching an unusual amount of traffic turn onto Sahara. I’ll make it after all. The walk signal came on and he ran across the remainder of the intersection, reaching the bus shelter just as the 6:05 a.m. bus pulled out.

“Damn,” he sat down on the metal bench and glared at the passing traffic. “I’ll be late again!”

His life and world were falling to pieces. Kathy had kicked him out of the house on July 1st. Taking the car keys and handing him a 30-day bus pass. He’d taken his suite case to work that day and for three days after until he convinced his brother to let him move in with him. He’d stopped the direct deposit of his paycheck into the joint account, but was told it would take about two months. In the mean time, Kathy had kindly consented to give him $20 a week to eat on.

Looking west on Sahara, he saw a Bank of America branch. Singleton left the bus stop and walked across the street. It didn’t open until 9:00 a.m., but the McDonald’s was open for breakfast. In the fast food restaurant, he ordered a sausage breakfast, with coffee and orange juice. After he finished breakfast, he walk slowly to the bank and waited for it to open.

“I’d like to withdraw $500,” he took out his ID and bankcard. “There should be about $600 in the account.” He passed his card through the card reader and input his pin number.

“Actually,” said the teller. “There is $2,500 in the account.”

“In that case, I’d like $500 in cash and $1,600 in Traveler’s Checks. Take the charge out of what’s left in the account.”

Leaving the bank, he went to the Albertson’s on the corner of Maryland and Sahara, called a cab and went to McCarran Airport. At McCarran, he boarded a plane for Colorado Springs the last place in the world that Kathy or anyone else would look for him.
July 22, 2007 at 8:57pm
July 22, 2007 at 8:57pm
10 Kalimat 164 B.E. – July 22, 2007 at 5:50:29 PM PDT

We are not a happy camper.

Each time we go to access our Microsoft Outlook e-mail
the box fills up with spam,
that that clogs and jams;
in addition,
we don’t think we’re getting all our important mail
or it takes us several days to find it.

We’ve sent one apology
with an addition e-mail address
until we find the cause of the e-mail jam.

We are pissed
as can be presumes
from the use of the royal we.

We are not a happy camper.

We now have to go through the entire box
to see what’s causing the problem,
then we have to fix it.

We have to empty the entire box
then start all over again downloading
(despite the fact that we think
when we unsubscribe to one piece of spam
we’re automatically put on the mail list
of another piece of spam).

If we can’t figure out the problem ourselves,
we will have to contact the Geek Squad
and pay them good gas money
to clear the problem up for us.

July 21, 2007 at 1:00pm
July 21, 2007 at 1:00pm
9 Kalimat 164 BE – July 21, 2007 at 10:00:08 AM PDT

Today is recycling day in my neighborhood, it’s also day 8 of the 21 Days of Poetry Challenge II. Now what, one may ask, does one have to do with the other? The answer is simple a Cherished Memory. OK, we all cherish different memories from our childhood. Why some memories come to us out of the blue and others are brought back to us when we hear a noise or inhale a scent I don’t know. It doesn’t really matter why a memory comes at a specific time.

Anyway the thing that caused me to remember Grandma Newland’s Rag Bag, was the sound of the recyclable truck. This is interesting, because when I was growing up in Blackwell there were no recyclable trucks. There were garbage trucks and they looked very similar to the trash trucks of today. Grandma’s ragbag was a large cloth sack she had sown together and the top had a cord or a drawstring in it so it to close and hang on the walk-in-closet door.

Since today’s prompt was Cherished Memories, I wrote about Grandma’s ragbag. I suppose there are other cherished memories about the Grandparent’s that I could write about, but this is the first time the memory of the ragbag has come to me. I’m not sure why the recyclable truck brought that memory back. The recyclables I took out were cans and plastic bottles. I still have other plastic bottles in the garage waiting for me to take them to the curb in two weeks. I think it’s going to take me a while to catch up on the recyclables and get that stuff out of my garage. If I’m lucky I’ll have my garage completely cleaned out by December 31, 2007.

I’m looking forward to see what the rest of the prompts are for this poetry challenge. My responses up to this point has surprised me, I’m excited. I’m like a child with a new toy. Listed below are the prompts for each day so far and my responses.

July 21 – Prompt: Cherished Memories – My response "Invalid Entry
July 20 – Prompt: Animal Instincts from animal’s Point of View – My response "Invalid Entry
July 19 – Prompt: Hot in the city! an evening out in the city – My response "Invalid Entry
July 18 – Prompt: Let’s get Emotional – My response "Invalid Entry
July 17 – Prompt: Your Favorite Cliché – My response "Invalid Entry
July 16 – Prompt: The Great Outdoors – My response "Invalid Entry
July 15 – Prompt: First Date Jitters – My response "Invalid Entry
July 14 – Prompt: Write your own eulogy – My response "Invalid Entry
July 20, 2007 at 5:55pm
July 20, 2007 at 5:55pm
8 Kalimat 164 BE - Friday, July 20, 2007 at 2:52:49 PM PDT

I think I have a problem. Anyone that a cat owns knows that the little creatures take a liking to certain type of furniture above all others. When my mother came home from the hospital, her insurance sent a wheel chair. Most of the time Mom uses a walker in the house, but when we go out I tae the wheel chair and the walker.

When Mom isn’t using the wheel chair, then Lion sleeps in it. He has decided that he likes it, when I go to put Mom in it to take her out, rides in the wheel chair to the entrance hall. Then he gets out and lets Mom sit in it. When it comes time to get rid of the wheel chair, he isn’t going to like the idea. OK, I suppose if I’m going to have a cat not liking something, it’s better to have Lion. He has an even temperament and thinks almost everything is a game. Still he’s going to be upset when the wheel chair leaves and doesn’t come back.

The seat and back of the wheel chair is dark blue, while Lion is yellow striped. When he lays in the wheel chair, he looks like a yellow furred pillow. I reach down to stroke him and he purrs. Actually, I don’t think there is ever a time when he doesn’t purr.
July 19, 2007 at 5:56pm
July 19, 2007 at 5:56pm
7 Kalimat 164 BE – July 19, 2007 at 2:55:34 PM PDT

The wind blows through the stone pine trees causing the limbs to sway continually. The limbs wave at the crystal blue sky decorated with a few white fluffy clouds. The humidity is about 18%, it isn’t out of the ordinary for any time of year. This is the monsoon season; the humidity should be at least 20% to make an impression on the locals, to make it a bit uncomfortable for people acclimatized to the desert heat.

The wind causes the trouble especially for anyone with a phone connection to the internet. The wind makes this a yo-yo day, causes the connection to disappear without warning. Irritating, but not to the point of finding something else to do. The yo-yoing is just another inconvenience of poverty; the ability to a high-speed connection doesn’t end inconveniences because wealth has its own set of inconveniences for us to confront. Life is full of inconveniences the only difference between the inconvenience of wealth and the inconvenience of poverty is money.

The yo-yoing of my internet connection has taught me one thing. Patience is not only a virtue, but it’s a necessity, especially when you can only afford a telephone interconnection. Patience is a necessity of poverty. Patience is a necessity of wealth. Patience is something I need to work on a lot more.

This is a yo-yo day; a day when your internet connection periodically walks off into never never land. The connection reestablishes itself most of the time; perhaps not quickly after all it is a phone connection not wireless or cable modem. A phone connection means it’s usually slow as molasses in January.

A yo-yo day makes review interesting. You have to make sure you store your review incase your connection goes out in mid review. There is the old saying that goes “When in doubt, save the program” or in this cases the review.
July 18, 2007 at 12:18pm
July 18, 2007 at 12:18pm
6 Kalimat 164 BE – July 18, 2007 at 9:23:20 AM PDT

The following items are from a journal written over a spiritual retreat in May of 1999.

The Questions

NOTE: The following are some questions that will be answered in poems. I’m either going to put the poems in this blog or post them directly to my port. Only one of the questions in this list is in the process of composition, the others are in the meditation phase.

What is a spiritual environment?
Where do the flowers of grandeur grow?
Why do the winds of mercy blow?
How do the flowers of oneness grow?
When will the tide of unity flow?
Who intones the rainbows glow?
What is the feeling of roses?
What is reality?
What is prayer?

Is it possible that the fear of God could invoke joy in the confident believer?
How does one memorize a quote from the sacred scriptures?
What is love?
How does on listen to the soul?
What is faith?
What is the essence of all beings?
What do you do when you’re challenged?
What do you do when someone comes in need?
Why am I here?

What is my purpose in life?
How am I doing with the process of transformation?
Where am I in the process of transformation?
How am I getting along with the process of transformation?
How do I learn?
What is the difference between light and darkness?
What is the best thing that ever happened to me?
What is the physical manifestation of love?
What is the symbol of the soul?

Fortune Cookie quotes

NOTE: I don’t know which company put these out because they were pasted in an old journal. I’m going to use them as the theme to either a short story or poem.

With care,
things will never change.
Lucky # 09, 13, 19, 21, 23, 34

I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the Lucky# yet, maybe use them as stanza lengths in poems of similar themes.

From listening comes wisdom
and from speaking repentance.
Lucky # 03, 10, 18, 35, 36, 44

July 17, 2007 at 11:42am
July 17, 2007 at 11:42am
5 Kalimat 164 B.E. – July 17, 2007 at 8:33:54 AM PDT

Well for someone who’s supposed to make an entry at least every other day, I think I blew it. It’s not that I haven’t been on line, I have. In fact, I did some reviews, posted poems for the 21 Day Challenge, and enter the Daily Flash Fiction challenge. Why I haven’t made an entry in this blog I’m not sure. Actually, I haven’t made entries in any of my blogs. I also have to post to some groups and do some rewrites. It’s going to take me a while to catch up, but I’ll do it.

I’m not going to say very much about house work. I move the furniture the other day looking for gas change. I found $0.43. OK, that won’t buy a gallon of gas. A check came in yesterday and I got $5.00 in gas. It was a $10.00 check and I had to buy toilet paper and trash bags. In addition, a $10.00 Star Bucks card came in the mail, so I now have coffee for a while and still have $0.05 on the card. The Star Bucks card is refillable; I’m going to have another $10.00 put on it.

I’ve been without coffee for about three days to a week. I drank hot tea and it’s not the same. I’m going to use the Star Bucks card as an emergency coffee fund. At my age running out of coffee and going a week or so without it isn’t an option. I don’t mind sacrifices, but not having coffee because you ran out of it and didn’t have the money to buy it isn’t a sacrifice. A sacrifice is something one does willingly, not because of a necessity. I had the girl at Star Bucks grind the coffee for a regular cone filter coffee maker, even though I’m using a peculator. I still need to get filters for the other coffee maker. I also need to find the coffee grinder. I’m not sure where I put it. It’s possible it’s in the china closet, if that’s where it’s at; I won’t be able to get it for a while. I have a table setting in front of the door to the china closet because Mom’s still using a hospital bed and the bed is in the dinning room. I want my house back to normal!

I want other things as well. Eventually I’ll get them I’m just getting impatient. I haven’t been to a restaurant in about five months. I’m not talking about fast food such as KFC, I’m talking about a real set down place where you go in and a waiter/waitress brings your food to the table. I think we’ll attempt to use the Red Lobster card soon. The card is for $10.00, so I need to make sure we have a little over that in case we want to order $20.00 or more and have a tip. In addition, I want a Marie Calendar’s pie; I think the last time I had one was the beginning of April.

Well, I think that’s all for today. The washing machine just went off, so I have to put the cloths in the dryer and put some dishes away in the cupboards. I’m tired of doing all the house work myself. I want help! OK, so I’m probably not going to get help unless I pay for it and with gas prices the way they are I’m not paying good gas money for house cleaning services. One must have their priorities.
July 14, 2007 at 11:03pm
July 14, 2007 at 11:03pm
2 Kalimat 164 B.E. - Saturday, July 14, 2007 8:02:11 PM PDT

The first day of "Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor has begun and indeed is almost over. The deadline for posting the poetic responses to the first prompt is 10:00 pm writing.com time. I finish my response early this morning. Fifty participants began the first day. I glanced at a few of the other responses after I finish and posted my eulogy. I haven’t read or rated any of the responses yet, I’m not sure why except that I think I’m still a little off my reading and rating routine. I’m getting back into it though.

Writing my own eulogy was enlightening and difficult, especially since there were certain words I couldn’t use. I had to look deep within myself to find the words. I enjoyed writing the poem, it stretched me pushed me to go deep into my soul.

Now that the first day is over and I can’t make any changes to the poem until after the challenge is completed, I’m obsessing over it. OK, so this is nothing new for me. I’m one of those people that doesn’t panic until the emergency is over. Afterwards I’m a basket case. I can think of what I could have done better or what I should have done. One person has already rated the poem and thinks I did 5.0 job, so I’m probably obsessing over nothing; which is normal for me.

However, I’m tired of being normal for me. I want to be able to write a poem and not obsess over the finished work. I want to be able to take an action and not should on myself afterwards. I suppose anyone reading this is wondering what brought on this bout of self-reflection other then standing in front of a mirror. I’m not sure it was completely the poem. I think it was a combination of things, none of which I want to get into in this post (I’ll save them for another post or a short story). Therefore, I’m going to let anyone reading this look at the poem "Invalid Entry.
July 13, 2007 at 5:52pm
July 13, 2007 at 5:52pm
1 Kalimat 164 B.E. – July 13, 2007 at 2:51:28 PM PDT

I don’t know what’s been goosing my muse lately, but something has. I’ve wrote a flash fiction story everyday since July 6, most of the stories are responses to "Daily Flash Fiction Challenge"   [13+] by Arakun the twisted raccoon . One of the 60 things I wanted to do 6th decade was to write a flash fiction story everyday for a year, I hadn’t intended to start yet. However, it seems I’ve started that without intending to. Most of the flash fiction I’ve written recently is in "Flashes of Lightning [18+].

Another item on my 6th decade list is to write a poem everyday for a year. First, I’ve attempted this twice before and always seem to falter at some point. I think the problem is that just writing a poem everyday isn’t challenging enough. Therefore, this time I’m going to make it a bit more challenging and begin the process by accepting a challenge. I signed up for the "Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor . My book for this challenge is "Invalid Item .

I’m considering adding another folder or book to my portfolio to keep track of my success concerning my 6th decade list. I think I will probably go for the folder. That way I have more options than with a book format. My problem right now I only have an upgraded membership. I want to go to premium and I will as soon as I get enough money for at least a 3-month premium membership. A year would be better, but I think I can manage a the 3-month premium membership shortly, so I think I’ll go for that and then extend it as the money or the gps come up.

I still need to get back in reviewing form. I’m not sure what the problem is right now. I just don’t seem to be up to the amount I used to do. Maybe it’s burnout or something else. Actually, the only writing I don’t seem to struggle with is blogging and flash fiction. Whatever it is I’ve got to find a solution and get on with it. Perhaps I just need to make myself do it and not worry about, but another problem I have is discipline especially when it comes to myself. I’ve tried rewards, I’ve tried punishment, I’ve tried lectures and nothing seems to work. I could be over analyzing this whole thing and all I need to do is relax and enjoy.
July 12, 2007 at 4:09pm
July 12, 2007 at 4:09pm
19 Rahmat 164 BE – Thursday, July 12, 2007 1:08:37 PM PDT

I’m not sure when I realized that I didn’t want to go home again. My childhood and teen years were traumatic. The only things in Blackwell that I really ever cared about were my Grandparents. After I graduated from high school in Shawnee, I moved back to my grandparent’s house. They died, then a few months or so later I left and came to Las Vegas. If my grandparents hadn’t died when they did I wouldn’t have left Blackwell.

There was a time when I thought I’d like to go back and see what the town looked like. See my grandparents’ graves and put some flowers on them. However, I don’t feel that way any more. I haven’t felt that way since I turned 60. Maybe it’s the age that makes me feel that way or something else, but I no longer have the desire to visit the city. If I want to know what it looks like, I can look its website up on the internet. If I want to put flowers on my grandparent’s graves, I can do that over the internet as well.

Now Las Vegas is home. If I ever move somewhere else that will be home. Blackwell was just the city where I grew up. It cemetery is the place my grandparents dust is buried. The part of my grandparents that made them what they were, their souls, has passed into the next world.

So what brought on this bit of nostalgia? A story written for "Daily Flash Fiction Challenge"   [13+] by Arakun the twisted raccoon called "Invalid Item"   [] by A Guest Visitor . I’m not sure what it was about the story that made me realize I was home and going back to my childhood wouldn’t work. Maybe it was the speaker returning home to an empty house, her parents had gone shopping, that make me realize how empty returning to Blackwell, Oklahoma would be for me.
July 10, 2007 at 8:57am
July 10, 2007 at 8:57am
17 Rahmat 164 BE – Tuesday, July 10, 2007 5:52:00 AM PDT

Prayer is the mystic’s connection with the Beloved. I isn’t that the mystic is always on her or his knees in prayer. Rather the mystic is always aware of the presence of the Beloved in everything she does. No matter what her cultural heritage or religious affiliation, the mystic sees the hand of God, which is the hand of the Beloved in all phenomena.

It doesn’t matter to the mystic whether the phenomena is natural or manmade. This is because for the mystic God has no partners, no equal. For the mystic every event occurring in the world works, in some way or other, to bring about God’s will on Earth. The mystic’s focus is to proclaim God and God’s message to humanity.

In past mystics have withdrawn to deserts or convents or in some cases danced naked in the streets. Mystics have left family and children to follow the Beloved, to follow the reflection of God in human form. However, these aren’t required of mystics, especially in today’s world. Today the mystic must work among the scattered of humanity pointing out the common threads that the spiritual paths share. So the mystic goes to the beloved in prayer.

NOTE: This is going to be an essay; I’m planning on using personal experiences as well as research from the lives of mystics from earlier ages. Actually, I think I may have more then one essay or article here because the one I planned had to do with prayer as the mystic’s connection with the Beloved, but I’ve put in other stuff as well.

July 9, 2007 at 9:46am
July 9, 2007 at 9:46am
16 Rahmat 164 BE – Monday, July 9, 2007 6:33:03 AM PDT

In the beginning of the day
the sun rises above Frenchman’s Mountain
casting its light across the valley.

In the beginning of the day
in my front yard
the leaves on the olive tree
the bark the stone pine tress
are transmuted to gold.

In the beginning of the day
God’s Most Great Name reverberates
through the still are of dawn.

In the beginning of the day
the aroma of coffee
fills the house with joy.

This morning I’m thinking about beginnings, I wrote yesterday about the feeling I got that something had changed in my life. This morning I woke up depressed, but after chanting and saying some prayers, I’m more optimistic; the though of beginnings has come into my mind. There are all sorts of beginnings in the universe, but all of them have one thing in common. They all indicate an ending.

When life begins on a planet, then lifelessness ends. Every beginning is a door opening into a new future. I’m still not sure precisely what’s going on, but I do know that I’ve begun a new phase in my life both materially and spiritually. Perhaps I’m being a bit optimistic, but it’s better than the opposite.

I tried looking at the glass as half empty, now I’m going to look at my glass as half full. There is really very little difference between the two, the same amount of liquid is in the glass it’s just the point of view.
July 8, 2007 at 1:47pm
July 8, 2007 at 1:47pm
15 Rahmat 164 BE – Sunday, July 8, 2007 10:46:47 AM PDT

It’s happening again, I’m getting the feeling of electricity in the air; the feeling of anticipation, of expecting lightning to strike. I know something has changed in my life, but I don’t know what. It’s not that I dislike this feeling, I just want to know what’s changed, I want to know how this change is going to effect my life. I know that sounds odd.

Maybe I’m feeling dissatisfaction with my life the way it is. Maybe this is the way my subconscious is pushing me to do something about the situation now. Maybe … maybe … maybe I could go on with the maybes. I do know that I not satisfied with things the way they are. I do know that not matter what I go to do I encounter difficulties. I do know that I could go on with this line of thought and probably never get to the root of the problem.

I get the feeling I’m inside an interstellar nebula. I can’t see the stars outside or any trace of Stars inside. I’m moving, but I don’t know which way I’m moving. I know that I’m moving, but I can’t tell by looking at the nebula cloud. The only way I can tell movement is occurring is by looking at my instruments. I can’t tell by looking at the dust where in the nebula I’m located and I can’t detect any trace of anything either in or out of the nebula.

That’s how I’m feeling at the moment. It helps to write, down the feelings. It would help even more if I could write down a solution, although maybe I need to go back through my Writing My Spiritual Journey Journal. Actually, maybe I need to go back through all my journals, but that would take time. That’s another aspect of this feeling of anticipation, this feeling of lightning striking around me. I feel that time is moving at two different speeds. One speed is slow and it takes forever to get anything done. The other speed is fast and events are moving toward or away from me at the speed of sound or the speed of light.

I haven’t gotten a Sunday paper for months. I haven’t read the daily paper since last year (2006). I want a prim rib dinner with everything that goes with it. I want a banana split. I want a piece of fish, any kind finish. I’m hungry, but I have food in the house, so I’m hungry for something I don’t have. I’ve been drinking water out of the faucet for several weeks, maybe months. I didn’t know how I missed bottled water until I went to pay my internet connection yesterday and the guy in the office gave me a bottle of water.

Lately it seems that the only thing I enjoy is writing. I don’t have enough time to write. I don’t have ink for my printer so I’m proof reading my stuff on the screen, which is difficult. It’s difficult because I can see mistakes on a hardcopy I can’t see on the screen. I’ve decided I need to up grade to Premium membership. So now I’m worried that when the money does come in I’ll need it for something else. I know I’m not using my time properly. This is become a rant or a complaint and I’m tired of complaining. I’ve complained in my Writing My Spiritual Journey Journal for the past month, at least. Someone in one of my yahoo groups said that it and the stress is probably an indication that I’m ready for a change, sort of like a snake shedding its skin.
July 7, 2007 at 12:45pm
July 7, 2007 at 12:45pm
14 Rahmat 164 BE – Saturday, July 7, 2007 10:19:09 AM PDT

NOTE: While I was cleaning things out I found this, I think I got it at a Mary Kay meeting at sometime or other several years ago. I thought it would make interesting reading or female character creation ideas.

** Image ID #1287488 Unavailable **

If the image is too small for you to read here is the information. The number are as follows 1 and 5 are at the top of the image, while 4 and 8 are at the bottom.

1. Slant keeps close to original slant and tip shape.
         a. Abides by the rules
         b. Great follower
         c. Does not like too much attention
         d. A little self-conscious
         e. Somewhat reserved
         f. Likes a schedule
         g. May occasionally color hair to attract attention
2. Rounded, smooth tip.
         a. Easy-going
         b. Peacemaker
         c. Even-tempered
         d. Steady
         e. Likable
         f. Generous
3. Sharp-angled tip.
         a. Opinionated
         b. High-spirited
         c. Dislikes schedules
         d. Selective of friends
         e. Outgoing
         f. Likes attention
         g. Argumentative
4. Sharp-angled, but curved tip.
         a. Creative
         b. Enthusiastic
         c. Energetic
         d. Talkative
         e. Loves attention
         f. Falls in love easily
         g. Helpful
         h. Needs schedule, but dislikes one
5. Rounded tip to a point.
         a. Lovable
         b. Family-oriented
         c. A “doer”
         d. Can give orders easily
         e. Domestic
         f. Exaggerates sometimes
         g. Stubborn over little things
         h. Needs people around
6. Flat top
         a. To the point
         b. High morals
         c. Needs approval
         d. Careful about appearance
         e. Very dependable
         f. Conservative
         g. Quick mind
         h. Loves challenges
7. Flat top concave.
         a. Maes a great detective
         b. Makes friends easily
         c. Inquisitive
         d. Adventurous
         e. A prober
         f. Complex
         g. Exciting
8. Sharp angles both sides.
         a. Spiritual
         b. Curious
         c. Seeks attention
         d. Mysterious
         e. Big ego
         f. Faithful
         g. Looks for easy way
         h. Loves life

July 6, 2007 at 12:25pm
July 6, 2007 at 12:25pm
13 Rahmat 164 BE – Friday, July 6, 2007 8:05:54 AM PDT

Lora sat on Moon Base One’s observation deck watching the shuttles approaching the new landing bay. The pilots, unsure of the new technology that operated the landing bay doors, slowed their shuttle down more than usual. No one can blame them, she thought, not after what happed to Doctor Martin’s private shuttle.

“Still being a little over cautious, aren’t they,” said Joe as he set down beside her.

“You can’t blame them, Joe,” she reached over and took his left hand into her right hand. “The door cut the Doc’s shuttle in half.”

“It wasn’t the technologies fault! Lora, the Doc’s pilot was inexperienced at landing bay approaches; the bastard didn’t know what he was doing.”

“With the new technology, that shouldn’t have been a problem.”

“Well, the Council has taken care of the inexperience problem.” He squeezed her hand and then kissed her on the cheek. “They’ve ordered all pilots, inexperienced or not, to make space in their schedules for extra practice, which is why I’m here this morning.”

“What do you mean, Sweetie?”

“I’m going to be late for our date tonight.” His brow wrinkled with irritation. “I have to practice landing bay approaches and entrances from eighteen hundred hours to nineteen hundred hours.”

“Well, the reservations can’t be changed at this late date. Meet me at the restaurant after you’re finished.”

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